Impacto Social

001 000 154


"Safe your future Watching your present"

The intention of this project is to maintain the safety of automobiles in Mexico City. It proposes a 360 camera inside the car that is connected to an application on the user's phone. So that when he leaves his car alone, he can keep an eye on it by observing the live recording of the car surroundings. In case of an emergency, the application alerts the user so that he is aware of the situation and can go to the authorities with the video to bring the perpetrator to justice.

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¿Qué beneficios tiene esta solución?

* to provide security to users * provide calmness to users when they leave their cars alone on the street *provide recorded evidence if a situation occurs to ensure justice is done.

  • car theft rate drops in mexico city
  • provides evidence of the situation or the culprit so that the number of solved theft cases increases.

información general

Cristina Márquez Aldrete | A01657528 | IIS

Emily Avila Barajas | A02786244 | MKT

Ximena Verástegui Morales | A07045383 | LAD

Andrés Ventosa Sánchez | A01024310 | IC

Johannes Ramses Escoto Nieto |A01657283

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