Impacto Social

000 003 176

Artisan Roots

"Preserving traditions, building future"

As a team we want to provide a solution to the social problem of artisans and cultural heritage affected by the impact of fast fashion on local industries. The focus of fast fashion is on mass production, different from traditional crafts and local artisans. This leads to a decrease in the preservation of cultural heritage. By promoting sustainable and ethical practices, we aim to support these communities and preserve their valuable skills and cultural heritage.

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¿Qué beneficios tiene esta solución?

-Preservation of traditional craft techniques. -Promotion of cultural identity through clothing/fashion. -Generation of employment and economic opportunities for local artisans. -Improvement of the quality of life and working conditions of artisans. -Creating awareness about the value and quality of artisanal products versus fast fashion. -Reduction of environmental impact through sustainable practices in production.

  • Direct sale of artisan products to consumers, guaranteeing fair payments and eliminating intermediaries.
  • Campaigns that highlight the stories and processes behind the products, promoting conscious consumption.
  • Preservation of artisans and cultural heritage in the area to be worked on (Mexico as the first starting point)

información general

Valdemar Espinosa Uribe | A01659946 | BME

David Rangel Aceves | A01667211 | BME

Emilio Becerra Pedraza | A01657310 | BME

Diego Abdo Velásquez | A01783808 | ITC

Ricardo Javier Garza Gámez | A01197406 | ITC

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