Impacto Social
Fog water
"“From Fog to Flow: Revolutionizing Water Sourcing for a Sustainable Future”"
Our groundbreaking initiative harnesses the potential of fog to provide a sustainable solution to water scarcity. By capturing and accumulating water using natural resources, our fog collectors offer a practical response to the shortage while empowering local communities and promoting environmental stewardship. With a built-in water filter, our solution ensures safe and reliable water for everyday use. Join us in revolutionizing water sourcing with an environmentally conscious and culturally aligned approach. Link for video:
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¿Qué beneficios tiene esta solución?
The project brings a multitude of benefits to various stakeholders. Firstly, it addresses the pressing issue of water scarcity by providing a sustainable and reliable source of water. This not only improves the quality of life for individuals and communities, but also supports agriculture, industry, and economic development. Secondly, the project promotes environmental sustainability by utilizing natural resources like fog, reducing the reliance on traditional water sources that may be finite or environmentally damaging. By doing so, it helps to mitigate the impact of climate change and preserves ecosystems. Moreover, the project empowers local communities by involving them in the collection and management of water resources. This fosters a sense of ownership, self-sufficiency, and resilience, while also creating opportunities for employment, education, and entrepreneurship. Lastly, the project encourages cultural preservation and appreciation by aligning with local traditions and practices. It respects and integrates indigenous knowledge and wisdom, ensuring that the solution is culturally sensitive and inclusive. Overall, the project’s benefits extend beyond just water provision, encompassing social, economic, environmental, and cultural dimensions, making it a holistic and impactful endeavor.
Reducing water scarcity in the country
Making water more accesible
información general
Patricio Urruchúa Marquez A01029538 NEG
Pablo Emilio Masso López A01751883 NEG
Vania Elizabeth Martínez López a01029779 NEG
Ángel García A01750715 BFI
Andrea Arciniega Mora A01029563 NEG