Impacto Social

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Hyperloop Project on United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

"Feed The Future (One Meal at A Time) "

Our company, Renoo, looks to solve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 2: Zero Hunger. Our company solves this by connecting restaurants and other food services businesses, with excess food at the end of their daily operations, to low-income individuals and families. This helps reduce national rates of both hunger and food waste in one simple step.

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¿Qué beneficios tiene esta solución?

Our group's project, Renoo, has a significant number of benefits that make our project positively impact others. Economically, our project will lower waste disposal costs It increases customer exposure as it draws in from a larger population. Renoo also implements CSR strategies as it encourages a better brand. Environmentally, Renoo makes a positive impact on the environment as it encourages less waste being sent to landfills as it is given away instead. There are less greenhouse gas emissions being produced and a lessened burden on infrastructure. Renoo has social benefits. It gives low-income families and individuals access to fresh and nutritional foods, as well as creating a disposable income

  • Helping reduce food waste at restaurants and grocery stores
  • Helping feed the less fortunate
  • Helping charities grow their impact radius
  • Build community connections for newcomers and low-income families/individuals

información general

Matthew Terry 1046087 Environmental Engineering

Christopher Gallo 1144527 Criminal Justice & Public Policy

Sarah Khan 1157808 Accounting

Sydney Barnes 1132280 Psychology

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