Impacto Social
""Controlling the spread of plastic pollution to preserve life below water.""
Seaze provides a barge-like, solar-powered ocean barrier that can detain 50 tonnes or more of plastic waste per day. The barrier separates plastic waste from the water before the plastic has a chance to reach the ocean and before they have a chance to break down into microplastics. Seaze also uses a microscopic magnetic carbon coil to remove any microplastics that are in the water. Please find video here:
¿Qué beneficios tiene esta solución?
This product: - Intercepts the plastics as soon as they enter the water: The barrier catches plastics before they have the chance to break down into microplastics and enter vast bodies of water. - Eliminates microplastics in the ocean: Recyclable waste is separated and microscopic magnetic carbon coil is added to the remaining detained plastics to remove the microplastics before they flow out into rivers and the sea. - Is sustainably made: Materials intercepted by the barrier are sorted and recycled into plastic barges used in the next Seaze product. - Uses renewable energy: The barriers are powered using solar energy panels, making it energy efficient.
Seaze has multiple functions in a single product. It separates plastics from the ocean — intercepting the plastics as soon as they enter the water. The product also also eliminates microplastics.
Seaze is sustainably made since it uses recycled plastics. The plastics collected by the product are recycled and used to create new barriers. Seaze is powered by solar energy which limits carbon and methane emissions.
información general
Nivashinee Ponambalum | 1130037 | PSYC
Thomas Toth | 1126640 | MEF
Ahmed Alhadid | 1086198 | NEUR
Jolie Boctor | 1150363 | ACCT
Sonia Kolodziejczak | 1077910 | BCOMP